fxT_edgeMatte v2.1
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fxT_edgeMatte v2.1
This tool creates an edge matte with subpixel controls for the inner and outher edge based on the alpha input.
Drag the sliders to grow/shrink the edge matte and blur the edges if needed.
The gizmo procedurally creates an edge matte from any alpha you feed into it.
It can be used for grading edges or any other compositing task where you need to alter the edge of a matte.
Full control over the size of the edge matte
Preview mode for viewing the matte over an input that also has RGB channels
Mask input to create an edge matte only in a certain area
Works with all formats
Updates in v2.1:
internal fix to autoAlphaCheck on mask input, better way to check than previosly. thanks to Michael Habenicht for this expression improvment.
Updates in v2.0:
- knob description fixes, removed viewer - node is otherwise the same.
Updates in v1.9:
- Removed center offset feature. Never used it so removed it for the tool to be slightly faster.
Updates in v1.8:
- Internal minor updates to a few checkboxes for controlling disabeling the edge matte changes.
Updates in v1.7:
- Internal updates to how the edgematte is being generated, you can now erode/dilate on subpixel level, making it easier to generate the exact edgematte that you need.
Updates in v1.6:
- Added shuffle to output edgeMatte in all channels (alpha --> rgba).
- Added Alpha Grade-option to grade the alpha for a better edgematte if you need to get a softer or harder matte.
Updates in v1.5:
- Added plate input, for easier checking the generated edgMatte against a plate/comp, etc.
- Auto alpha input check and better alpha handeling for mask input.
Install Notes:
To install the Gizmo in it's own nuke menu with the attached menu icon: please see attached 'init.py' and 'menu.py' files.
Install the Gizmo and icon file according to the paths in the 'init.py' file, or alternetivly change these paths to your own preferred install location.
I'm having an extremely hard time trying t figure out how to incorporate your plugin. I wish that you would show a screenshot showing exactly which pipe goes into which node, I'm trying to replace a sky with another sky. I have a tree rendering with an alpha that is way too thick for the small branches - even if I use a premultiply node. So I was hoping that your plugin could erode the alpha back so that the smaller branches of the tree could have a nice edge. I hope I'm describing this well enough.
Thanks for your efforts.
Michael Bonanno
I just saw this message, sorry for the late reply.
This tool is based of any alpha you feed into it, to create an edge matte, the same as nuke's default edgeDetect node but with much more control. It will not erode anything. It's ment to be used as a matte. so you can hook it up to the grade node's mask input for example. To simulate an erode you can stencil this matte from your three render, although, that is not the intention of this tool.
Thanks Mark, glad you find it useful :)
Feel free to share and report any unexpected behaviour if you should come across anything.
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