Roto to Tracker and Tracker to Roto, all in one! v1.2

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Contributor: Victor Rouillard
The better way of creating a tracked Roto from a Tracker Node as well as creating a Tracker node from Roto point animation!
14.0, 13.2, 13.1, 13.0, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
10 Apr 2024


This EZ_Toolset node is about time saving and artist efficiency. I've created a tool that bakes the animation of a Tracker node intro keyframes and applies this animation on a sub-layer of a fresh Roto node, without linked expressions. The tool can also convert Roto point animation into a Tracker node for the whole round-trip.


Here's a quick run-down of how to work with the tool:

Recording 2024-03-18 at 16.33.34

- Stop adding Transform nodes after your Roto nodes

- Stop adding Tracker nodes after your Roto nodes

- Stop copying animation data on the Root layer of your Roto nodes

- Stop carrying expressions uselessly around your script

- Stop carrying useless animation keys by choosing your desired frame range


As far as I know of, this tool is the only tool that achieves the baking of the keyframes in an appropriately renamed sub-layer as well as doing the conversion both ways. This tool is and will remain 100% free for personnal & commercial use, though I'd always appreciate a shoutout!

A big shoutout to Magno Borgo for the principle and structure of the Roto points to Tracker part of the script.

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