8.65 Kb
Implementation of various Global Tonemapping Operators

5.52 Kb
Enter a Hex / RGB 8bit / Float value to create your desired color.

6.97 Kb
Analyze a footage with changing light conditions and dynamically equalize a static image to those lighting variations

3.34 Kb
HueTransfer gizmo to convert an incoming element and BG into HSV color space and swap the hues. Useful to blend in glass crack elements and other transparent elements with the BG.

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the script will create a group with OCIOFileTransfoms to quickly switch between color correction

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This Gizmo allowing a simpler way to manage your exr color manipulation. You can directly change your passes throught in affecting your input, without creating shuffle nodes, or adding from and plus merge nodes.

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A convenient setup to sample the curve of your footage and use that curve to match an element to the sample. Very useful for grading elements to match shots with changing lighting conditions.

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A simple guizmo for image binarization(transforming rgb or grayscale image to black/white image) based on local luminance

0.54 Kb
nThreshold Gizmo converts grayscale or color images to high-contrast, black-and-white images.