HexColor v1.1

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Contributor: Nikolai Wüstemann
Website: wuestemann.net
Enter a Hex / RGB 8bit / Float value to create your desired color.
11.0, 10.5, 10.0, 9.0, 8.0, 7.1, 7.0, 6.3, 6.2, 6. or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
17 Sep 2018



Node Appearance

This Node works like a Constant.


Except you can choose your color value by entering a 

- Hexadecimal color

- standard Nuke float color

- RGB 8bit color




More Information:

- Changing any value will update all other values respectively

- Colorspace conversions are taken into consideration. sRGB should do the job in the most cases though

- If bugs are found, please comment ;)


How to Install:

- the download contains a .nk file and can be pasted in live scripts

- for permanent installation, copy the HexColor.nk file to 'C:\Users\username\.nuke'

- edit the file 'C:\Users\username\.nuke\menu.py' and add the following line:

nuke.menu('Nodes').addCommand('Other/HexColor', lambda: nuke.createNode('HexColor.nk'))

Please login in order to download these files.


0 # Harry Hextall 2019-04-24 11:02
Hello, When I input a HEX value, the float value doesn't change on my Nuke. Any thoughts?

EDIT: Temp fix is to write expression in each RGB Float value to be the below divided by 255
0 # Nikolai Wüstemann 2019-04-29 11:40
Hi, it works fine for me, changing the Hex field changes both float and 8bit values. What Nuke Version are you running? What does the Script Editor say?
0 # Harry Hextall 2019-04-29 12:09
Hey, thanks for getting back to me.

When i input any HEX value, the RGB changes to the correct value, but the float does not.

The script editor says the following:

ValueError: unable to sample node for given channel (rgba.red) at current context

NukeX 11.0v1
0 # Chris Charlton 2021-07-20 06:08
Try adding this below the node as a fix: set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 10.5 v5
push $cut_paste_input
Expression {
expr0 input.color_8bit_r/255
expr1 input.color_8bit_g/255
expr2 input.color_8bit_b/255
name Converter
selected true
xpos -2460
ypos -897
0 # Nikolai Wüstemann 2021-07-20 07:37
Yeah the whole thing tends to be a bit buggy.
The idea was to have a live conversion between all of the input fields.
I implemented a sample function to make use of the sRGB colorspace, so a web color is translated correctly.For now I only have issues, when Linear is set as colorspace.
Maybe a solution would be better with a switch at the end that is set to whatever conversion was done last and to avoid the nuke.sample() function, which is the cause of many errors.

edit: more difficult that I thought, because I still need to translate the values into the other knobs, after being procssed by the colorspace. Only way I can think of now is to find a python or TCL implementation of colorspaces (or just sRGB)

edit2: found this: www.cyril-richon.com/blog/2019/1/23/python-srgb-to-linear-linear-to-srgb and probably gonna implement this down the road.
0 # Lundy Hu 2022-06-17 19:54
nuke.sample deprecated, use Node.sample instead.

0 # nate h 2024-11-07 21:54

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