1.93 Kb
A kind of DaVinci Resolve 'Hue Vs Hue', 'Hue Vs Sat' and 'Hue Vs Lum' color correction tool

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Replication of the ever popular Instagram filters.

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Converts motion vector passes from different formats to suit Nuke's taste

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ekaGradient is the equivalent of Photoshop’s color gradient or Colorama in After Effects, something I’ve always missed working with Nuke. It can be used by creating a color gradient to change the image, as well as it can be used for other uses such as keying.

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ColorRemapping allows you to create colour gradients based on the luminance of the image.

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emSmartGrade is Nuke Gizmo focused on adjusting CG AOV beauty pass.

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Rotation Matrix For Rotate XYZ in Normal pass Render For Relighting in nuke .

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A convenient setup to sample the curve of your footage and use that curve to match an element to the sample. Very useful for grading elements to match shots with changing lighting conditions.

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Simple and Quick way to whitebalance your shots, based on OCIOCDL node