2.95 Kb
Converts rgb images to CMYK values and back.

1.79 Kb
LumiMatch can match the change in Color from your Bagground Plate on a surface. Great for Logo, tattoo or all other surface placement/Replacement can even handle moving shadows. When you have perfectly remove the logo from the wall, but the change in light reveals your patch. You fixed it with the curvetool, But theres a moving shadow acroos your patch, so you have to roto the shadow and add a grade. Fuck this. use LumiMatch. Connect your patch to B, your ORG plate to Color, Set refference frame and use the detail blur to get the perfect amount of detail.

3.80 Kb
This gizmo is a simple way to Pump up the Colors on a plate for easier keying using different expressions.

1.85 Kb
Adds 'vibrance' to an image by boosting saturation in less-saturated areas. Adjust threshold, vibrance, & mix sliders to taste to give your final renders a little 'kick'.

0.52 Kb
Using the nColorama Gizmo, you can subtly tint an image or radically change its color palette.

0.54 Kb
nThreshold Gizmo converts grayscale or color images to high-contrast, black-and-white images.

3.41 Kb
Similar to Photoshop's photofilter, for quickly changing the color balance and color temperature.

1.73 Kb
A simple gizmo to bleed the hue and saturation of the background into the foreground around the edges.

3.52 Kb
Handy tool for creating and adjusting Vignette corrections by Den Gheiko