fxT_relinker v2.5
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fxT_relinker v2.5
fxt_relinker is a Nuke tool for relinking footage automatically.
Relinker was a collaborative project between Andry Jong (https://www.linkedin.com/pub/andry-jong/44/669/502) and me. It was developed to be used in a small independent film production environment where artists would typically work off their hard drives on multiple locations with different computers. The Nuke scripts we worked with at the time generally had a lot of different read nodes. Instead of losing time relinking nodes manually, we wrote this Python tool to automate the task.
UPDATE: v2.4 has added support for camera's and geo.
UPDATE: v2.5 bugfix adressed so script works again.
Video demonstration can be found here: https://vimeo.com/103858180
PS: The video does not demonstrate the relinking of Camera's and Geo, but it works the same way.
Install Notes:
To install the Gizmo in it's own nuke menu with the attached menu icon: please see attached 'init.py' and 'menu.py' files.
Install the tool and icon file according to the paths in the 'init.py' file, or alternetivly change these paths to your own preferred install location.
thank you for this amazing script. it's really..really helpful so much.
- Tor
Quote: It should be replaced by :
Quote: Otherwise, thank you, very nice script.
Hi Flavien, thanks for reporting with the fix, I've now updated it.
personally haven't used this script in years so its been left alone for awhile.. but its now updated and working again, thanks for the fix, appreciate it!
How hard would it be to get it working with write nodes too? I've got a bunch of precomps in this script and the read nodes relink, but not the write nodes.
Any suggestions?
I am on Nuke 12.2 on Linux
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