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LightFusion is a Nuke Python tool that automates Multi-Light Beauty rebuilds by merging selected light layers in a group node, merged with the plus operation. The group node offers grading controls for quick lighting adjustments.
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Keyboard shortcut to open the folder of any selected read node, or of the path on the clipboard. Works with TCL paths and paths relative to the project directory!
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It creates three Shuffle nodes and connects them to the currently selected node. Each Shuffle node is set to shuffle a specific color channel (red, green, or blue) and is labeled with the corresponding color. The position and color of each node are also adjusted within the function. The purpose of the script is to provide a quick and easy way to split an image into its color channels for further compositing.
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A tool that lets you see your .nkc cache files.
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This handy tool will automatically take the tracking data from your Tracker node and generate a Roto node with the tracking data applied.
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Combine Retimes is a python script that can combine a stack of multiple retiming nodes into a single output (both a lookup table and a speed value).
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This tool provides functions to easily navigate the timeline in Nuke
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It’s a tool(script) for Nuke that every time user saves the project, create backups from project file in one or two different locations.
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Show outgoing hidden inputs
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Create an anchor and a target in order to quickly traceback a group of nodes. Works the same way as the bookmarks