Keyer RSS
8.49 Kb
This gizmo gives you the possibility to clean lighting from chroma background.Please comments for errors, suggestions, hints or help...
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Nuke's Keyer node with some enhancements: -Option to create a custom luminance algorithm -More operations: Chrominance Key, Difference Key and Bump Keyer -Input preprocess to help keying mid tones
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Based on the IBK stacking technique shown in Tony Lyons keying tutorials -
48.18 Kb
Rebuild of the IBK Gizmo keyer with more options and control for an all-in-one additive keyer node
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deSpill gizmo that allows you to replace spill with color or image
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A collection of 3 different additive keying methods with the option to tint and mix bright and dark parts separately from each other.
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sort of photoshop like "Selective Color". (red green blue cyan magenta yellow)
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Little gizmo that will speed up your IBK Stack creation.