P_Ramp v1.0

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Contributor: Ivan Busquets
Create 3D gradient mattes in any direction based on a position image
6.1, 6.2 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
11 Feb 2011


From an image containing position data, create a ramp / gradient matte along any given direction.

Options include ramps along the X, Y and Z axis, a "Custom" mode (use rotation controls to adjust the direction of the ramp), and a "Start to End" mode, where the ramp automatically picks the direction of the vector going from the start to the end points.


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0 # Michaël Desnoyelles 2018-06-22 23:53
Thanks for your nice tools.
This is my small contribution an Icon for the toolbar

For windows:
Make "P_Tools" folder in C:/Users/$USER/.nuke/

Copy paste all your P_tools.gizmo and P_Tools.png in that new folder.

Edit or create your init.py file. It should be in the same .nuke fold
You need to add the following lines:

If you want, you can create a menu on your left hand sidebar with the fancy icons that the tools have. Just add the following on your menu.py (that you will find in the same folder):
#P_Tools by Ivan Busquets
p = toolbar.addMenu ("P_Tools", icon="P_Tools.png")

p.addCommand("P_Matte", "nuke.createNode(\"P_Matte\")")
p.addCommand("P_Ramp", "nuke.createNode(\"P_Ramp\")")
p.addCommand("P_Noise3D", "nuke.createNod e(\"P_Noise3D\" )")

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