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9.30 Kb
N-Point Gradient by Kevin Fisch
1.94 Kb
Degrain Tool Alternative for neatVideo :)
4.75 Kb
Great for dustbust if used with tracking & stabilization can be a helpful tool for rig removal too.
6.09 Kb
Restore colour information of the semitransparent edges of your comp.
0.86 Kb
This is a simple tool that will Fix Inf and Nan values in your image. By default it will replace Inf values with white and Nan values with black. However, there is functionality in the tool that allows you to replace these values with any colour that you like, into the red, green, blue and alpha channels respectively.
1,181.19 Kb
A custom render node that allow you to render out GIF animations.
8.06 Kb
Fast implementation of iDistort and STMap for UV's with high complexity/detail
2.85 Kb
This gizmo is designed to fix bright spec pixels that are common in the specular render. Added the option to keep the alpha channel if present.
2.98 Kb
Using SmartVectors and VectorTransform node, set to output STMAP, to drive an animated mask, that can be used for marker removals, color corrections and etc.