2.95 Kb
Converts rgb images to CMYK values and back.

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This tool is basically a RolloffContrast just on the Luminance. It is really usefull for creating shadows on plates with already existing shadows.

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Rotation Matrix For Rotate XYZ in Normal pass Render For Relighting in nuke .

34.44 Kb
This Gizmo helps you to quickly create a grade node that matches colors from source footage to target footage. Can be used to quickly and roughly match the grade from one shot to another.

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Secondary Colour Grading and matte separation tools

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simple gizmo series (sg) by andre hue rotation in nuke that work like hue rotation in photoshop. works well to aid in boosting color, change color or dramatically change color of some subjects hope it will assist you as well as it has assisted me, feel free to contact me regarding of issues, cheers

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Iterable keyer grade stack to create shadow or highlight pass.

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Skin color Matcher is normally a Node combined from a group of Nodes which many of us have already used in different ways .basically it gives the input color of the subject to the comp plate . This can be used for multiple Beauty cleanup shots which requires Clean plate tracking and shots which have a lot of Color correction to make.Motion Blur and Defocus have been included so that abnormality can been masked out . Unpremultiply the premultiplied comp plate to get more accurate out The Tracker and the Smart vector path are for applying motion blur to comp plate by connecting it with the particular 2D Point Tracker and Smart vector then click the respective box from the properties tab to enable the kind of tracker used in the shot .

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A simple gizmo to bleed the hue and saturation of the background into the foreground around the edges.