1.85 Kb
This Tools is Created following Common 2 grade Technique. Just Select your CG Black and White Point & other side Select your Footage Black Point and White point. This Gizmo automatic share all the lighting information from Background to Foreground.

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A simple gizmo to bleed the hue and saturation of the background into the foreground around the edges.

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Converts rgb images to CMYK values and back.

3.80 Kb
This gizmo is a simple way to Pump up the Colors on a plate for easier keying using different expressions.

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With just 3 clicks and a couple of sliders we will get the despill we need and also we can avoid hard lines in edges. Easy and fast.

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Bluescreen spill supression with complex settings.

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An easy way to add or remove new shadows to your plate. By Aitor Echeveste

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HueTransfer gizmo to convert an incoming element and BG into HSV color space and swap the hues. Useful to blend in glass crack elements and other transparent elements with the BG.

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Get the average colour values of a pixel or area of pixel over a frame range.