UVEditor v1.4

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Contributor: Mark Joey Tang
UVEditor is simplify the steps of create uv tile or udim setup in nuke, provide the visual of uv tile in uv space of the geo, export udim texture, extract mattepainting projection in udim, paint fix the texture and map it back to the geo.
12.0, 11.3, 11.2, 11.1, 11.0, 10.5, 10.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
28 Apr 2020

UVEditor is simplify the steps of create uv tile or udim setup in nuke, provide the visual of uv tile in uv space of the geo, export udim texture, extract mattepainting projection in udim, paint fix the texture and map it back to the geo.

For what is uv tile / udim and how to get it works in nuke. Please check here :

Download zip included this tool in gizmo and group format, UVEditor_demo.nk, demo geo (please re-link the geo file).


- fix misspelling of knob's label
- fix not working disable text knob

- fix font issue
  works on linux, mac & windows

- preview in uv space set limited in 1024 resolution for not drag down speed purpose. 
- added show tile number
- changed uv combine to uv stitch in export group
- code update
- scan size reduce, speed up process

Panel description:


texture size
- Define the texture resolution in here.

- uv output has to go through scanlineRender, this filter is same as all the transformation pixel filter

- uv output has to go through scanlineRender, this antialiasing is same as antialiasing setting as scanlineRender

show tile number
- show the number of tile, helps for indicate udim frame.

view wireframe
- Enable this wireframe option will preview uv in wireframe instead of texture. Give user an idea of how the look of geo in uv space.

wireframe size
- The thickness of wireframe to show. Only enable when view wireframe is checked.

- preview in uv space

  • This will displace uv tile in uv space. For preview purpose.



  • This will separate uv tile in udim format (base on frame number start from 1001). When selected udim as output, ‘export’ button will able. That will scan through all available udim and return the frame range of the udim. It will generate a group with all udim combined for nuke to work with, and also a write node to show where should render if udim need to be export as texture sequence.


- uvtile

  • Output the uv in tile format, can map to the geo directly without any process. If user work with uvtile for texture modification, user need to work with overscan size manually.


- uv pass

  • Output uv data as texture, same as 3D software will provide in render. Since the tool is working n 10x10 uv tile, so the uv pass will also support 10.0x10.0 uv data. Then user can use this to work with stmap for texture mapping.




Demo Script :

Screen Shot 2019-03-12 at 11.29.36 PM 


You might work with matte painting as texture or fix the texture from current render. You can do you projection setup and connect to ‘tex’ input. The process is just connect the tex to geo through apply geo inside the tool.



If you check the texture under preview in uv space output, you will find that the modification already baked in uv space.



You can map the geo directly through uv tile output.



Upper view is the final render output. Lower view is the paint I projected on single frame, same as work with matte painting.



Upper view, another camera angle of the result.



If you want to modify any texture, you can find the texture in udim before the udim combine group, swap your modification on that udim. Then udim combine group will replace your fix in uv tile and map it back to the geo.







3D view in nuke, can only able preview a single tile uv (as the picture shown as below). So when you work with uv tile, don’t trust the 3d viewer. Better check that after scanlineRender.



Please login in order to download these files.


0 # Slava Ponomarev 2019-02-28 10:50
Hi, your gizmo is crashed when i connect the viewer node to it and Nuke сrashes =(

My Nuke is 10.0.4
0 # Mark Joey Tang 2019-03-08 14:19
I think it's because the oversize too big for your computer handle. I will re-visit the tool again and see if I can trigger this or any optimization. That would be great if you can let me know some information or let me have your script to investigate.

is your geo able to view in nuke with any problems?
how is the texture size you set in the tool?
does it work with a blank script with only geo and this node?

0 # Slava Ponomarev 2019-03-12 12:25
hi, Mark.
I just create your node in a nodegraph and try to connect to your node. I don't even connect any geometry to your node.
0 # Mark Joey Tang 2019-03-13 04:11
Thanks for the report. That would be great if there has any crash log. I have no idea the cause yet. Just make sure you are using Nuke10 +, it's because wireframe node exists after Nuke10.

btw, I updated the tools to v1.2 , optimize some stuff. The default view , 'preview in uv space' , force to 1024 resolution. This helps viewer load faster.

In v1.2, I also included a demo script, see if you can open it without crash.
+1 # Slava Ponomarev 2019-03-14 09:59
Thank you, man. now it works. ) good
first time after your update my nuke again was crashed, but after that I cleared all cashes. I created your node again and it worked.
0 # Maddalena Morello 2020-10-24 13:50
im sorry i know this is a stupid question, but how do i install it? how do i make it work on nuke?
0 # Mark Joey Tang 2020-10-24 16:24
The download zip has 2 options provided. One is gizmo and one is group(.nk file). Group is a very user friendly one.

When you download the zip, unzip it. There has a uveditor.nk file. You can open or import that file into nuke, and that is.

If you want to install to your nuke menu, I have another tool to make the steps easier.

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