Tetrahedral Interpolation v1.0

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Contributor: silly calvin
Color transformations using tetrahedral math.
12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3 or later
11 Dec 2020

Implementation of tetrahedral interpolation for color transformations.

Includes both the .blink file and also two expressions in a .nk file format. The second expression has controllable white and black corners in case needed. (example usage for that would be to remove certain colors in a subtractive color model fashion and then comp them back together)

My github repo where I will most likely be pushing any future updates: https://github.com/calvinsilly/Tetrahedral-Interpolation

Papers and Resources
- http://www.yedlin.net/DisplayPrepDemo/DispPrepDemoFollowup.html
- https://www.filmlight.ltd.uk/pdf/whitepapers/FL-TL-TN-0057-SoftwareLib.pdf
- https://blogs.mathworks.com/steve/2006/11/24/tetrahedral-interpolation-for-colorspace-conversion/
- https://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/98/HPL-98-95.pdf

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